Saving Time While Snacking Healthy

Saving Time While Snacking Healthy

Crunch Pak is Proving that Convenience and Health Can Go Hand-in-Hand

Tony Freytag, Executive VP of Crunch Pak®, is an absolute legend and pioneer in the produce industry. He took a nonexistent category in the value-added produce section and grew it to $700 MILLION is retail sales. Each week, Crunch Pak produces over 250,000 cases of apple products.

Tony was born into the produce family. While he grew up in the city, he was from a family of farmers and each summer would get “shipped off” to the farm. While he grew up immersed each summer in this industry, he decided early in life that agriculture was NOT his career path of choice. However, life came full circle, and he eventually began helping a prominent pear business develop an anti-browning solution. Now he is passionate about getting fresh, delicious produce into the hands of families around the country.

Crunch Pak and the Value of Value-Added Foods.

Why would we buy a packaged bag of apples when they are easy to slice, or could even be eaten whole?

Easy. In our country, 40% of fresh produce is wasted, and a large portion of this percentage happens in our homes. Produce is purchased with the best intentions and then life gets in the way.

Crunch Pak’s efforts are a simple, yet effective, way to take control of your grocery efficiency. Value-added produce items take the work out of produce prep. Crunch Pak’s goal is to help you incorporate more healthy snacks into your family’s diet as easily as possible.

Is Crunch Pak Safe for My Family? Is It Healthy?

If these thoughts were rolling through your mind, you aren’t alone. Tony has been asked this question countless times over the years.

The answer is a resounding YES!

Crunch Pak’s anti-browning agent is made of Calcium and Vitamin C. It is a natural, flavorless additive that keeps produce fresh until you’re ready for a snack.

Snacks On Snacks On Snacks

The snack category continues to boom, accounting for $2.6 billion each year. Crunch Pak works hard to provide healthy snacks that have a well-rounded nutritional profile. They are continually innovating to keep their products on trend and appealing to a wide range of consumers.

With more adults doing “deskside dining,” and families constantly on the go, snacks that offer a source of protein go along away to keep your family fueled up. Check out their products page to look at all of the options they have for healthy, convenient snacking.

Crunch Pak has done a fantastic job of partnering with brands that appeal to children. They have proudly co-branded with both Nickelodeon and Disney. They understand the importance of “kids as future consumers.” The healthy choices you are helping them make today, will shape the healthy choices they make as an adult. It’s no secret that kids are a target demographic. In fact, Crunch Pak’s competition is not other produce companies. There is a beautiful camaraderie between in the produce industry. The competition comes from the center of the store. The cereal and candy giants who have a fortune to spend on advertising are also targeting the younger demographic. They provide convenience, but will never measure up to the nutritional benefits fresh produce has to offer.

Look for Crunch Pak® 12-ounce bags of sweet, tart, and mixed apple slices and 10-ounce bags of peeled and organic apple slices carrying The Produce Moms logo on them. They have recently hit grocery store shelves nationwide. Use Crunch Pak’s store locator to find a retailer near you!