3 Ways To Make Healthy Eating Fun

3 Ways To Make Healthy Eating Fun

Hey there Crunch Pak Parents! Are you having trouble introducing healthy snacks to your little ones? Here are a couple of helpful suggestions on how to get your kids!

Make It A Toy

Sometimes it’s okay to play with your food! Fruits and vegetables – especially apples! – can easily be put together to make edible snacks that your kids can play with. This activity promotes imagination and creativity, and eating your toys means no mess to clean up afterward!

Make It A Game

Have you ever tried to catch a piece of food in your mouth? What about cutting up a fruit or veggie and trying to put them back together like a yummy puzzle? You can even make a game out of simply stacking healthy snacks as high as you can! An element of competition or set of structured rules is great for kids’ growing minds.

Make It A Reward

Even something as simple as treating a bag of fruits as a “grand prize” can make kids crave healthy snacks. Instead of offering candy as a reward for cleaning up a messy room, offer them pieces of sweet fruit instead!

Have another tip on how to get your kids to eat healthy? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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